Congratulations! You’ve completed the copy editing process.
So, what happens now?
Well, your manuscript has already been sent back to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for final approval. Once approved, the EiC will then give your manuscript an article number and a publication date, and send it on to the developer. The developer will then post it to our website, scheduling it for publication online. You can expect this process to take about 7 business days (or less). Once your article has been scheduled for publication, it will appear below.
Production FAQs
How do you schedule papers for publication?
Papers are scheduled in the order they complete the copy-editing and typesetting process. In scheduling papers for posting to the website, we try to balance two factors. First, we want to allow each paper to receive greater visibility on the home page and in our social media efforts, and hence we want to avoid publishing papers in too rapid a succession. At the same time, we want to keep our production queue short, and live up to our mission of being a rapid-turnaround journal. To date, that has typically meant that we try to publish only one paper per week, although when the queue is longer we have at times published two papers per week. In general, you can expect that if two papers are both ready for publication, no more than a week will pass between their publication dates.
When to Expect an Invoice
You should expect to receive an invoice via email soon after your paper has been published. We create and process our invoices with Wave. If you do not see an invoice in your inbox within two weeks of your publication being published, please check your spam folder. And finally, if you’d like to review the fee structure, you can find it here.
Requesting a Link to Your Paper Before it’s Published
If you would like a link to your publication (e.g., to embed into an upcoming media announcement), you may use<doi number> (for example, You will find your doi number listed in the ‘forthcoming’ section above. The link will not be live until the paper has been published. We ask that you do not share the link (e.g., publish the news article or blog containing the link) until after your paper has been published. We reserve the right to change the publication date at any time before publication (though this rarely happens).
Social Media
Papers are always published at 9am (Pacific Time). We always announce new papers on Twitter and Facebook as they are published. Feel free to retweet, like and share our posts! You can follow us on Twitter @SociologicalSci and like us on Facebook @SociologicalScience.
Your publication is now being tracked via Altmetric. When your paper is published, you will see an Altmetric donut, with your Altmetric score, on your publication page. You can watch a brief introduction video about Altmetric here and read more about how it all works here (there’s a lot of cool info there).
And finally, if you have a news outlet or blog that you expect to be published in, and you want to make sure that Altmetric is tracking it, just send us an email (production[at]sociologicalscience[dot]com) with the link to the outlet. We will forward it to Altmetric and ask them to include it.
Altmetric began tracking Sociological Science in August of 2017; we added the Altmetric badge to each paper in November 2017.
Web of Science and Our Impact Factor
We are very happy to announce that we were are now included in Web of Science (as of fall 2017). WoS began indexing our articles from 2016 forward.
It takes a while (about three years) for a new journal to generate a traditional Impact Factor (IF). In our case, since we were first listed in Web of Science in 2017, and since they began indexing articles from 2016 forward, we hope to have a traditional Impact Factor in 2019.
Scopus has accepted Sociological Science into its system and is in the process of indexing our journal. You can periodically check in with SCOPUS for an IF as well.
We are listed with DOAJ and have been awarded the DOAJ seal.
Our Acceptance Rates and Other Analytics
You can find more about our process, our acceptance rates, and other interesting details about how we make the magic happen, here.
Becoming a Member
Memberships allow us to continue to improve while keeping our publication costs as low as possible for our authors. If you are already a member, thank you! If not, please consider becoming one. You can read more about it here. Join, donate or pass it along. Thank you!
Questions? Feedback?
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at production[at]sociologicalscience[dot]com. And if you have any suggestions for how we can improve this document, or the author experience overall, please let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve.
Thank you for publishing your work with Sociological Science!