Publication Criteria

  • The manuscript is an original piece of sociological scholarship that has not been published in whole or in part in another peer-reviewed outlet.
  • The manuscript’s argument is well-structured and logically sound.
  • The manuscript is written in clear, standard English.
  • Any empirical evidence that is used to support the manuscript’s argument is based on data collection and analysis procedures that meet rigorous standards and that are reported in sufficient detail that a trained specialist could replicate the study.
  • The manuscript, and the research on which it is based, meets all applicable ethical standards for research integrity.

Plagiarism & Text Recycling (Self-Plagiarism):

Sociological Science will not publish manuscripts where plagiarism or text recycling has been identified.

Common examples of plagiarism include (but are not limited to):

  • Verbatim copying of text from other sources without attribution
  • Failing to properly attribute ideas, images and data to their original sources
  • Extensive reuse of text from one’s own prior publications without attribution (text recycling)

Sociological Science is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with COPE’s Code of Conduct and ethical guidelines. As such, all instances of suspected plagiarism and/or text recycling will be dealt with in accordance with COPE guidelines and processes (see COPE flowcharts for further details regarding what to expect where plagiarism is suspected in; submitted manuscripts and published manuscripts).

All types of plagiarism, including but not limited to secondary source, invalid source, duplication, paraphrasing, repetitive research, replication, misleading attribution, unethical collaboration, verbatim plagiarism and complete plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with COPE guidelines and processes. This also applies to all manuscripts where text recycling, redundancy and/or data fabrication are suspected. See COPE flowcharts for further details on COPE’s processes. All manuscripts are subject to evaluation via CrossCheck/iThenticate.

This interactive chart by iThenticate provides further details about the 10 types of plagiarism mentioned above, and suggestions on how to avoid them.

COPE provides further details on what constitutes text recycling.
